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‘Housing Londoners: innovation in delivery and design’ report launch


Thursday 21 September 2023
08:30 - 09:30

Join us as we present our new housing research which analyses London’s housing challenge and the agency of the built environment sector.
In 2015 NLA presented New Ideas for Housing for delivering more collaborative and innovative housing solutions. With new advances in sustainable technologies, innovation in design, and an increase in participation, we will look at the complex systems that affect the delivery of London’s homes. 
Why isn’t London’s new housing being delivered at the pace London needs, and why isn’t it affordable? What can the built environment sector do to alleviate the issue of pace and price alongside meeting the needs of the future? Where are developers, architects and contractors testing the boundaries of traditional housing delivery? What funding strategies and mix of tenures and products are there available? Should we be prioritising retrofit or new-build? 
The ‘Housing Londoners: innovation in delivery and design’ report will shine a light on the scalable solutions to the housing challenge in the capital and we will highlight the agency of the built environment will demonstrate how industry leaders are working collectively to deliver the very best affordable and sustainable housing that prioritises local benefit and the quality of life for its residents.

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Speaker biographies

Claire Bennie

Director, Municipal

Grace Simmonds

Head of Learning & Engagement, NLA

Amandeep Singh Kalra

Architect and Urban Designer, Be First

Melissa Dowler

Director, Bell Phillips Architects

Peter Vernon

Chair, Grosvenor Hart Homes

Kate Webb

Head of Housing Strategy, Greater London Authority




The London Centre, 
3 Aldermanbury, 

Access Information

There are 4 steps to the main entrance, with a level access entrance with the West Wing 30 seconds away. There are toilets and accessible toilets via stairs or a lift to the lower ground floor. If you would like more information, or have any access requirements, please let us know what these are and how we can best accommodate these by emailing


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