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Net Zero since COP26


Friday 28 October 2022
10:00 - 11:00

One year on from COP26, where do we stand? In the webinar, speakers from public and private sectors will discuss how these policies and guidelines can be translated into practical implementation, and what role the built environment professionals can play in the journey to Net Zero.
In November 2021, all eyes were on Glasgow for COP26. Almost 200 countries met and forged the Glasgow Climate Pact. Four goals have emerged: ensure global Net zero by 2050 and keep the 1.5 degree within reach; protect natural communities and habitats; mobilising funds; and collaborate between governments, businesses, and civil society.
The UK Presidency, governments and organisations have therefore been working together to turn these four goals into concrete policies and actions. One year on from COP26, what has been the impact on the UK cities' guidelines? What were the successes and failures? What lessons can be learnt for the coming year and COP27?



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Speaker biographies

Judith Sykes

Director - Expedition Engineering, Useful Simple Trust

Tor Burrows

Executive Director of Sustainability & Innovation, Grosvenor Property UK

Zahrah Ali

Senior Policy & Programmes Officer - Climate, Greater London Authority

Sean Lockie

Climate and Sustainability Services Director, Arup

Anna Lisa McSweeney

Architect, White Arkitekter

Net Zero



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