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NLA On Location – Westminster: creating places for people

On Location

Tuesday 19 November 2019
12:00 - 19:00

In the face of environmental, social and economic challenges, how is Westminster evolving? How will Westminster’s City Plan shape the borough? In an increasingly competitive environment, how is Westminster evolving to nurture growth and support a thriving economy while maintaining its position as a world-class destination? 

How is the borough building communities and creating greener and healthier spaces that inspire and enhance quality of life? How can local neighbourhoods such as Soho and the West End retain their distinct character? What is the role of the local authority in curating a place? Can lessons be learned from the Great Estates in responding to the needs of local resident and business communities?

This afternoon session will bring together local stakeholders including council representatives, developers, investors, architects and occupiers to look at the future of this area. Lunch and presentations will take place at Regent Street Cinema. Study tours will then explore the key development sites in the local area and the day will end with networking drinks.

Please note: Tour A is now fully booked. 


Networking Lunch

Session One: Curating Place
Session Two: Infrastructure - Connecting People and Place

Networking Refreshments
Walking Study Tours 

Tour options

Tour A: Regent Street, Soho and Oxford Street

This route will explore new co-working spaces that have opened in response to the current trends in workspace demands, retail and public realm developments. The tour will visit Soho Place, One Heddon Street, Quadrant Arcade and the redevelopment of Walker’s Court. This tour will be led by The Crown Estate with Barr Gazetas and council representatives with contributions from those reshaping the area. All tours end with networking drinks at Market Hall West End.  

Tour B: Mayfair and St James's, Piccadilly

This route will look at new strategies for public realm development and the transformation of key districts in order to meet the changing needs of residential, business and visitor communities, while retaining their appeal as global destinations. The tour will visit South Molton Street, New Bond Street, The Marq, Princes Arcade and Piccadilly Lights. Tours will be led by council representatives with contributions from those reshaping the area. All tours end with networking drinks at Market Hall West End. 

Tour C: Victoria

This route will look at approaches to public realm development and community engagement in the Victoria, Belgravia areas that are transforming neighbourhoods around a key transport hub and providing increased mobility and connectivity. The tour will visit Eccleston Yards, Cundy Street Quarter, and Victoria Place. Tours will be led by council representatives with contributions from those reshaping the area. All tours end with networking drinks at Market Hall West End. 

Tour D: Covent Garden and The Strand, Aldwych

This route will explore mixed-use and public realm developments in Covent Garden and the West End, designed to boost the creative and cultural economy, improve mobility, enhance experience of place and reinforce world-class status. The tour will visit Centre Point, The Strand, Aldwych, Floral Court and The Royal Opera House. Tours will be led by council representatives with contributions from those reshaping the area. All tours end with networking drinks at Market Hall West End.

This content is only available to NLA members.

To unlock event resources, such as presentations, brochures or recordings, join NLA as a member.

Speaker biographies

Deirdra Armsby

Director of Placeshaping and West End Partnership, City of Westminster

James Cooksey

Director of Central London, The Crown Estate

Jace Tyrrell

Chief Executive, Opportunity London

Ruth Duston OBE

Founder and Chief Executive, Primera

Ros Morgan

Chief Executive, Heart of London Business Alliance

Alex Jan

Director and Chief Economist, Arup

Natalie Thomson

Architect, Collaborator and Mentor

Sophie Thompson

Director, LDA Design

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

In association with

Westminster Property Association

Sponsored by

The Crown Estate


Regent Street Cinema, 307 Regent St, London W1B 2HW

Access requirements

If you have access requirements, please let us know. Email:


If you experience any issues whilst making a booking please contact Beatriz Chivite or call 020 7636 4044.

We reserve a number of places for representatives of local amenity groups at our On Location events. If you are a part of a community group and would like to attend this event please contact Katie Russell or call 020 7636 4044.

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Westminster aims at green boost in ‘places for people’ drive


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