New London Architecture

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Study Tour: Britannia Leisure Centre


Thursday 05 October 2023
08:30 - 10:00

Join NLA and Tibbalds for a tour of the Britannia Project, including the Britannia Leisure Centre, the Overall Winner of the 2022 New London Awards.
The Britannia Project represents a bold and creative approach to the delivery of social infrastructure in an urban situation where land is scarce and resources are constrained. Located next to Shoreditch Park, the former Britannia Leisure Centre had formed a key role in meeting the sport and leisure needs of Hackney’s residents for a long time. The existing building was meeting the end of its design life and becoming increasingly expensive to maintain. At the same time, it was set in a context of under-utilised car parks and poor public realm.
The Britannia Project seeks to make the best use of council assets by using the site of the former leisure centre and car park to re-provide a new state of the art leisure centre, a new secondary school, 481 mixed tenure homes and improvements to the public realm.
Please note this is an in-person event and with a maximum capacity of 30 therefore tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with a maximum of two tickets per organisation.


08:30   Arrivals and registration
09:00   Welcome from NLA
             Turiya Hayhurst, Account Director, NLA
09:05   Introduction and welcome from speakers
             Lizzie Le Mare, Tibbalds, Director
             Hayley Craig, LB Hackney (Client)
09:15   Tour begins
              Lizzie Le Mare, Tibbalds
              Hayley Craig, LB Hackney
              Emma Winch, LB Hackney
              Sara Grohman, Feilden Clegg Bradley
              Patrick McMahon, Partner, Faulkner Brown Architects
10:00   End

Speaker biographies

Lizzie Le Mare

Director, Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design

Hayley Craig

Project Director, the Britannia Project, London Borough of Hackney

Emma Winch

Engagement and Development Manager for Hackney Libraries, Culture and Heritage, London Borough of Hackney

Sara Grohmann

Partner, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

Patrick McMahon

Partner, FaulknerBrowns

Turiya Hayhurst

Account Director, NLA


Pitfield St, 
N1 5FT

In association with

Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
London Borough of Hackney