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Sustainable materials - a pathway to zero carbon


Thursday 27 May 2021
10:00 - 11:00

What are the most sustainable materials that can be adopted in our buildings to lower carbon emissions? In this webinar we hear from built environment professionals that show best practice in the use of low carbon materials in buildings.
Construction and building materials are a heavy source of carbon emissions. Tackling embodied carbon in the built environment sector has proofed to be one of the biggest challenge, as also outlined in the NLA Report Zero Carbon London.
So what are the most sustainable materials that can be adopted in our buildings to lower carbon emissions? How can we make sure we used more recycled, natural and low-carbon materials in our buildings? What are the barriers and challenges?
In this webinar we hear from built environment professionals that show best practice in the use of low carbon materials in buildings.

This content is only available to NLA members.

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10:00   Welcome from Chair 
             Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture  
10:05   Material reuse in the built environment 
             Isobel Vernon-Avery, Consultant, Climate Change and Circular Economy, Arup 
10:17   Recycling facades 
             Graham Hurrell, WICONA UK Sales Director at Hydro Building Systems UK
10:29   Sustainable materials 
             Yara Machnouk, Environmental Design Engineer, Elementa
10:40   Panel discussion
             Speakers above plus:
             Juliette Morgan, Head of Sustainable Development, British Land
11:00   End 

Speaker biographies

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Graham Hurrell

Commercial Strategy Manager, Hydro Building Systems UK

Isobel Vernon-Avery

Consultant, Climate Change and Circular Economy, Arup

Juliette Morgan

ESG Consultancy Director - Global, British Land

Yara Machnouk

Environmental Design Engineer, Introba UK

Net Zero



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