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Timber Square – pioneering zero carbon office development


Wednesday 28 April 2021
10:00 - 11:00

A Hoare Lea event, hosted by NLA, discussing Timber Square which has planning approval and will be a net zero carbon scheme, a decade ahead of the UK Green Building Council’s target for all new developments to be net zero carbon.
Timber Square, an exemplar sustainable development by Landsec at Lavington Street in Southwark, will comprise two new office buildings and landscaped public realm. Landsec is targeting a range of ambitious sustainability commitments, including retaining a quarter of the existing building and using natural and recycled materials. The project is also adopting Design for Performance principles and targeting very low energy use in operation. Timber Square aims to be the largest commercial development in the UK to use cross-laminated timber (CLT). 

This event will provide an overview of the project vision and design principles from Landsec and the project team.



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10:00   Welcome from Chair
            Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, NLA

10:05   Landsec
            Robert Hume, Development Director

10:15   Bennetts Associates
            Peter Fisher, Director

10:25   Heyne Tillett Steel
            Dee Voaden, Associate

10:35   Hoare Lea
            Frances Brown, Senior Associate

10:40   Panel discussion and Q&A
            Speakers above plus Tom Watson, Director, Heyne Tillett Steel

11:00   End

Speaker biographies

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Peter Fisher

Director, Bennetts Associates

Dee Voaden

Associate, Heyne Tillett Steel

Frances Brown

Senior Associate, Hoare Lea

Robert Hume

Development Director, Landsec

Tom Watson

Director, Heyne Tillett Steel

Net Zero



Hoare Lea

Hosted by


CPD Accreditation

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