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Zero Carbon London: establishing priorities for the post-COVID recovery


Wednesday 13 May 2020
10:00 - 11:00

Responses to the COVID-19 emergency demonstrate how quickly things can be implemented and how further we can push the limit of what before was thought to be unachievable.
Pictures of cities in lockdown all over the world show completely empty streets free of traffic, satellite data shows dramatic improvement to air quality, while 90% of all flights have been grounded and airports are shut. 

This was completely unimaginable before the pandemic, even as we focussed on another emergency to tackle Climate Change. The Net Zero agenda in the UK, and in London, was finally getting momentum after years (if not decades) of slow progress, and the built environment sector was getting ready to find solutions to cut carbon emissions in a sector that was responsible for at least 40% of all emissions. But we find ourselves in a completely new world, with new challenges and yet new opportunities.

How does COVID-19 impact on the ambition for London to be Zero Carbon by 2050 if not earlier? What can the built environment industry do to ensure the recovery from COVID-19 responds to the challenges posed by Climate Change? 

In this webinar we will hear from built environment professionals about the key priorities for London to maintain Zero Carbon agenda through the post-COVID recovery.



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10:00   Welcome from Chair 
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture 
10:05    London’s green recovery
Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy 
10:15    The road to zero carbon
Simon Sturgis, Managing Director, Targeting Zero 
10:25   Responses
Julie Hirigoyen, Chief Executive, UKGBC
Tom Steel, Director, Heyne Tillett Steel 
Harold Garner, Head of Sustainability, Air Quality and Energy, LB Camden
Lucy Hayward-Speight, Transport Planning and Strategy Manager – air quality and environment, City Planning, Transport for London
10:45   Q&A
11:00   End 

Speaker biographies

Simon Sturgis

Environmental Specialist, Targeting Zero

Shirley Rodrigues

Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, London City

Tom Steel

Founding Director, Heyne Tillett Steel

Harold Garner

Head of Sustainability, Air Quality and Energy, London Borough of Camden

Julie Hirigoyen

Chief Executive, UK Green Building Council

Lucy Hayward-Speight

Transport Planning and Strategy Manager – air quality and environment, City Planning, Places for London

Peter Murray OBE

Co-Founder, NLA

Net Zero


Programme Champions

Heyne Tillett Steel
Hoare Lea
London & Partners

Programme Supporter


Members only webinar.

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