Unity Place provides 100% affordable 235 social rented homes, a community hub, high quality landscape amenity, publicly accessible playspace, carparking and an energy centre serving the wider estate.
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LDA Design is a creating a super-nature setting for two new Alison Brooks Architects towers. This will be a fantastical, biodiverse gateway to IQL, a mixed-use development on the edge of the Park.
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Alison Brooks Architects won a Lendlease-run design contest for the pair of towers at the northern threshold to the International Quarter London (IQL) from Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
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A mixed-use scheme at the heart of the emerging City of Surrey in British Columbia, The Passages offers a radical, more inclusive new model for the urbanisation of North America’s suburbs.
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Cadence is a mixed-use urban block containing 158 dwellings within the King’s Cross Central Masterplan. Meeting spaces, commercial units, restaurants and bars are located at ground level.
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