Under Construction
Providing 47 council homes for local families on the housing waiting list and 55 shared ownership tenure homes, with priority given to people already living and working in Lewisham.
View projectBakerloo Line Upgrade and Extension
The Bakerloo Line Upgrade and Extension is the big opportunity for London. The project would unlock tens of thousands of homes, deliver a £1.5bn boost to GVA, and support sustainable travel.
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Re-imagining a congested traffic island, to create a well-connected community with a new commercial heart for the people and the town centre in Lewisham.
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A new public realm space in Lewisham town centre. For a coherent approach, 'character zones' linked by avenues responding to the main circulation routes were developed.
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Ladywell Fields was an under-used and featureless park. A new river channel was created for the River Ravensbourne, providing a focus for the park and drawing people in.
View projectUnder Construction
The construction of three buildings in a mixed use development comprised of 365 dwellings including affordable housing; and commercial, community and office and leisure floorspace at 209 Conington Rd.
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Strategic regeneration site, uncovering the former Grand Surrey Canal with new public park, new mixed tenure housing, workspace and the restoration of the historic Victoria Pub
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A mixed use development transforming a roundabout into a major destination of 1000 homes, cinema, public park, retail, workspace and new connections to the High Street with landmark 32 storey tower
View projectBuilt
Linked 20 and 35 storey buildings of modular construction with affordable and student housing in a key strategic town centre site, and passive provision for a Bakerloo underground station entrance
View projectUnder Construction
Redeveloping underutilised land to provide 32 new social rented homes including 6 specialist homes for residents with learning difficulties, supported by on site staffing by the NHS.
View projectProposed
A new permanent cafe building for Mountsfield Park, long awaited by Lewisham residents, park users and community grounds and much needed to replace the containers the cafe operates from at present.
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The sensitive restoration of Grade II listed railway carriage ramp and landscaped public spaces outside the new railway station, with 14 commercial spaces within the arches and a new market court.
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Team Catford on behalf of Lewisham Council is leading the engagement on the Catford Town Centre Framework. We specialise in engagement, placemaking, economic development and meanwhile use.
View projectMerchants Place (Dacre Park North)
Five two-bedroom mews houses for social rent built on the site of an underused garage court. The new homes have green roofs, solar panels and triple glazing.
View projectUnder Construction
A development of six large family homes to be let on assured tenancies at London Affordable Rent, on a site formerly occupied by garages and sheds. Scheduled for completion winter 2021.
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This project is in partnership with Birnbeck Housing Association and will provide four new homes for people with lower level needs who can be supported into independent living.
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