New London Architecture




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Projects    Sorted by recent

Daventry House, Lisson Arches

Daventry House, Lisson Arches


A landmark Community Supported Housing scheme providing 59 affordable social rent homes for elderly people to live safely, actively and independently, complemented by new business enterprise spaces.

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Frank Towell Court

Frank Towell Court


A transformational development to provide 102 new sustainable and affordable homes for people in housing need, extensive improvements to the estate and landscaped green spaces.

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Manhattan Plaza

Manhattan Plaza


Unrivalled city living in this high quality residential development with state of the art amenities and views across to the Docklands. Brought forward in conjunction with Notting

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Alperton Bus Garage

Alperton Bus Garage

Under Construction

A series of 3 high quality tall buildings which will deliver 461 new market and affordable homes alongside a new community of start up and maker spaces within 'Alperton Yard'

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Deptford Landings

Deptford Landings

Under Construction

Lendlease is working with London Borough of Lewisham to develop over 11.6 acres in the heart of Lewisham. The new homes, shops and public spaces will be delivered across six neighbourhoods.

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York Way Estate Landscape

York Way Estate Landscape

Planning Granted

Remodelling estate landscape following intensification to provide extensive biodiverse greening, maximising leisure, play and intergenerational encounters between new and existing residents.

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St Christina's Primary School

St Christina's Primary School


The complex retrofit and expansion of an occupied school to create an inspiring new environment for learning. .

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Citizens House

Citizens House


Citizens House is the result of a campaign by local people to build Community Land Trust (CLT) homes on surplus council owned land. The flats are the first of their kind in London.

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Royal Arsenal Riverside

Royal Arsenal Riverside

Under Construction

The Royal Arsenal Riverside breathes new life into a once declining historic site, to create a thriving, mixed-use neighbourhood of over 3,700 new homes, commercial floorspace, and new gardens.

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SEGRO Park, Courier Road

SEGRO Park, Courier Road


SEGRO Park will deliver an innovative and sustainable industrial park of over 29,000 m2 employment floorspace across 18 industrial units, part of the East Plus portfolio, a joint venture with the GLA.

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300 Harrow Road

300 Harrow Road


New housing in Westminster, the tenure was changed mid-construction by the elected Labour council from being 50% for private sale to 100% affordable rent – with the majority available at social rent.

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Hammersmith & Fulham Civic Campus

Hammersmith & Fulham Civic Campus

Under Construction

A ‘ruthlessly inclusive’ zero-harm scheme, it is the extension and full refurbishment of the Grade II listed Town Hall, and creation of a new high-quality civic mixed-use development.

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The Rye Apartments

The Rye Apartments


The Rye Apartments is a development of ten sustainable apartments in two buildings overlooking Peckham Rye Park.

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