New London Architecture

Dyson: Trends & Predictions

Monday 22 May 2023

Dyson discusses its predictions for the big players this year, impacting business decision-making, consumer demand as well as awareness trends.

Sustainability has been at the forefront of both consumers’ and business owners’ minds and will continue to be a trending topic in 2023 across the majority sectors. It is of increased importance for businesses to be seen to be making every effort possible to ensure they are making eco-conscious decisions, right down to the products they use.

When it comes to hand hygiene, paper towels may be an effective hand drying solution, but their poor sustainability credentials mean many of the public may be resistant to use them. The use of paper towels can contribute to mass deforestation, the scale of which is made clear by the fact that millions of tonnes of them are used every year. Further down the supply chain, huge volumes of water and chemicals are required to produce the end product. Also, the physical transportation of goods from tree to washroom is extensive, which itself can have serious environmental consequences.

As customers become more aware of their impact on the environment, businesses are facing increased scrutiny of their practices and we will therefore see a continued trend towards more sustainable products. The paper towel industry is also reinventing itself to fit in with this demand by using recycled materials, bamboo, and other sustainable products. 

Energy Efficiency: 
The rising cost of energy has taken over the UK news cycle for the last few months. This is not expected to change as the issues causing the rise in prices aren’t expected to ease any time soon. This widespread issue is affecting many businesses with many focussing on increasing energy efficiency due to rising energy costs.

As a result of this, businesses are now more likely to make conscious choices of what electric products they are using, prioritising those that are most necessary and less energy consuming. Cost and energy management will be high on the business agenda in 2023 with it playing a key role in any purchasing decisions. 

Access to real-time data:
Technology has become more accessible and is integrated into our everyday lives more than ever before. Having access to data in real time has becoming of increasing importance for many businesses, allowing them to use and invest in technology that allows them to remotely assess the hygiene and safety of a business whether that be a school, gym or office.

The trend of receiving real-time data at the touch of a button is set to continue in 2023 with more businesses beginning to embrace smart technology to help bring about many hygiene and safety benefits to their buildings.

Indoor Air Quality: 
Outdoor air quality and conversations around pollution have been commonplace for several years now and the general public are largely aware of the problem. However, indoor air quality (IAQ) is only recently being addressed.

Air pollution was a central topic in the UK’s Chief Medical Officer’s, Professor Chris Whitty, annual report published in December 2022. Reducing outdoor air pollution has been a long-standing topic and the report detailed the improvements that have been made in reducing its levels and offered solutions to continue this progress. In addition, the report highlighted that indoor air pollution is becoming an increasing part of the overall problem despite improvements being made to outdoor air quality. It reported that although people spend 80% of their time indoors, indoor air pollution has been studied far less than outdoors12. The CMO included recommendations on improving indoor air quality and, as a result, the topic is becoming increasingly more a part of the wider conversation in media surrounding pollution. 

Over recent years, the importance of ventilating indoor spaces to prevent the spread of disease was brought to light inspiring people to think more carefully about the air they are breathing indoors. As a result, there has been more national coverage devoted to IAQ recently, with the health issues related to breathing mould making national news, and the UK’s Chief Medical Officer’s recent annual report on air pollution. The report discusses how indoor air pollution is becoming an increasing proportion of the problem despite the improvements to outdoor air. It calls for a better understanding of how it can be prevented and reduced.

IAQ is sure to become more of a talking point in 2023 with more national media coverage on the topic predicted.

Washroom Hygiene: 
There is now increased emphasis and awareness on how crucial handwashing is in preventing the spread of disease and infection. However, despite people being well informed on the topic during the height of pandemic, the positive trend of handwashing carefully has not been maintained. The Food Standards Agency in the US has reported a decline in consumer handwashing from 2020 to 2022 whilst the World Economic Forum reports that almost 30% of the world’s population don’t have access to handwashing facilities. 

However, a YouGov survey has shown that 48% of the survey’s respondents felt concerned that hygiene standards in public buildings and workplaces were not as good as they should be. These reports shine a spotlight on the importance for establishments to sign post that they are providing adequate hygiene solutions to remind its users the importance of maintaining good hand hygiene standards and make people feel more confident when using public washroom facilities.

Whilst 2023 won’t be without its challenges, making positive steps forward in indoor air quality and washroom hygiene are sure to benefit many consumers and businesses alike in the near future. 


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