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Project in Practice: One Crown Place

Tuesday 08 February 2022

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In this webinar we hear from the team behind One Crown Place who give technical details to building wellbeing and sustainability.

In the context of our recently launched report Local London, which looks at the resilience of neighbourhoods and high streets, the team behind One Crown Place  present the technical aspects of designing and building a mixed-use scheme to revitalise a neighbourhood.
To reinvigorate our neighbourhoods, designers are having to create innovative strategies to follow the change in trends. As our highstreets and commercial areas shift, following changes in consumer activity and the pandemic an emphasis on making our highstreets more adaptable, mix use friendly and vibrant is welcomed by the sector and residents alike. Not only does the activation within the highstreets and the increase of green space enhance wellbeing, but it also plays a larger role in the climate resilience of an area. However, how do we technically build climate resilience into our highstreets? What materials support highstreet activation and flexibility? How can we ensure schemes are providing solutions for our town’s futures, whilst providing conscious and sensitive design within heritage sites?
One Crown Place
An entire urban block, where Hackney meets the City, is being transformed with a vibrant new frontage, as part of this mixed-use redevelopment. A row of Georgian townhouses were voluntarily retained and converted into a boutique hotel (opening later this year), complete with street side shops and cafes, while a1970s office block is being retrofitted to provide office and affordable office space.  The webinar will focus on the new-build, a six-storey office and retail podium with residential towers above, which was completed last year. A Victorian warehouse facade is integrated with the podium, and a new central courtyard has been created. This renewed urban plan, brings 24-7 activity to all sides of the block, which includes an existing church and pub. The development is a microcosm of how cities develop over time.


00:00   Welcome from Chair 
First Sukpaiboon, Head of Programme, New London Architecture  
One Crown Place 
02:00 - John Bushell, Design Principal, Kohn Pedersen Fox
08:45 Laura Picardi, Senior Associate Principal, Kohn Pedersen
Fox Associates
17:45 Charles Olsen, Senior Associate Principal, Kohn Pedersen
Fox Associates

24:45 Steve Toon, Design Director, AKT II
32:25 Stuart McDonald, Operations Director, MACE
41:00   Panel discussion




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