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Resilient Cities: preparing for climate events in the UK

Monday 08 November 2021

David Cheshire

David Cheshire

Regional Sustainability Director

Maria Dunn

Maria Dunn

Head of Development Policy
Birmingham City Council

Gordon Roy

Gordon Roy

District Surveyor and Environmental Resilience Director
City of London Corporation

Sonia Milne

Sonia Milne

Sustainability Officer
Glasgow City Council

Sam Evans

Sam Evans

Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Head of Natural Environment

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The climate resilience of UK cities is urgent and collaboration is critical. Following the launch of NLA’s latest report Resilient London in October and during the first week of COP26, we bring together UK cities for a discussion about how cities can plan and adapt to climate change while also massively driving carbon emissions.
As an industry, how do we move beyond the reactive and adopt a proactive approach to tackling climate change? How can we learn from our neighbours and work together to align city strategies to create a cohesive and comprehensive plan?

00:00    Welcome from Chair 
               Peter Murray OBE, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture
02:47    Introduction: UK preparations 
              Dave Cheshire, Sustainability Director, AECOM
13:47    Greater Manchester
             Sam Evans, Head of Natural Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
27:20    Birmingham 
             Maria Dunn, Head of Development Policy| Planning and Development | Inclusive Growth, Birmingham City Council
44:35    Glasgow 
             Sonia Milne, Sustainability Officer, Glasgow City Council
1:00:05    City of London 
               Gordon Roy, District Surveyor and Environmental Resilience Director, City of London
1:12:34    Discussion / Q&A 

David Cheshire

David Cheshire

Regional Sustainability Director

Maria Dunn

Maria Dunn

Head of Development Policy
Birmingham City Council

Gordon Roy

Gordon Roy

District Surveyor and Environmental Resilience Director
City of London Corporation

Sonia Milne

Sonia Milne

Sustainability Officer
Glasgow City Council

Sam Evans

Sam Evans

Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Head of Natural Environment

City Dialogues


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