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Webinar - Retrofitting London’s homes: case studies of green finance solutions

Thursday 19 November 2020

Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson

Head of Sustainability
Places for London

Emma Harvey-Smith

Emma Harvey-Smith

Non-Executive Director
Green Finance Institute

Sarah Fletcher

Sarah Fletcher

Programme Manager – Energy
Greater London Authority

Rishi Madlani

Rishi Madlani

Head of Sustainable Finance and Just Transition
Natwest Group

Louise Wilson

Louise Wilson

Co-founder and Joint MD
Abundance Investment

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This event was part of London Climate Action Week (LCAW) and brough together experts to present practical case studies showcasing financing solutions to retrofit residential stocks.


Welcome from Chair 
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture 

Welcome from Green Finance Institute and the Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings
Emma Harvey, Director, Green Finance Institute
Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings case studies: 

Community Municipal Investments 
Louise Wilson, joint Managing Director (Projects), Abundance Investment 
Building Renovation Passports 
Sarah Fletcher, Principal Policy & Programme Officer, Greater London Authority 
Green Rental Agreements 
Derek Wilson, Senior Sustainable Development Manager, Transport for London

Panel discussion
Speakers above plus
Cllr Rishi Madlani, LB Camden and Head of Sustainable Finance & Just Transition | Sustainable Banking, Natwest

Audience Q&A
Net Zero Research

Net Zero Research

The Zero Carbon London research paper examines how London is getting ready to become a zero-carbon city, analysing current policies from both city and local governments and reviewing how the private sector is addressing the challenge by setting ambitious standards and developing new industry frameworks.
It presents the findings of a new survey asking London’s built environment professionals about the key barriers to address the climate emergency and what should be the most effective solutions. The report includes a project showcase of over 80 London schemes providing a snapshot of where London is in the race to net zero. 

Derek Wilson

Derek Wilson

Head of Sustainability
Places for London

Emma Harvey-Smith

Emma Harvey-Smith

Non-Executive Director
Green Finance Institute

Sarah Fletcher

Sarah Fletcher

Programme Manager – Energy
Greater London Authority

Rishi Madlani

Rishi Madlani

Head of Sustainable Finance and Just Transition
Natwest Group

Louise Wilson

Louise Wilson

Co-founder and Joint MD
Abundance Investment

Net Zero


Programme Champions

Heyne Tillett Steel
Hoare Lea
Introba UK
Waterman Group


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