Selina Mason is an Architect and masterplanner who is responsible for delivering high quality design and masterplanning across Lendlease’s UK and Europe urban regeneration portfolio amounting to c£30bn end value.
In 2022 Selina received an Honorary Fellowship from RIBA in recognition of her leadership in urban spatial planning and city design. She is a Design Council Ambassador and was recently appointed by the Government to the Urban Centre Recovery Task Force. Before joining Lendlease in 2017, she led a range of regeneration masterplans including UCL East at Stratford and Church Street for Westminster City.
Until 2014 she was responsible for the delivery of the London 2012 Masterplan and the post-Games Transformation Masterplan for the Olympic Delivery Authority and subsequently the London Legacy Development Corporation.
She was Director of Architecture and Design Review at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) until 2007. She has an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning (LSE) and studied architecture at the University of Sheffield and Cambridge University. She was Rome Scholar in Architecture in 1993-1994