New London Architecture

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Connecting Communities, Powered by PechaKucha


Thursday 20 February 2025
18:15 - 20:15

Join this PechaKucha to hear about the projects dedicated to creating an inclusive and accessible public realm that truly reflect the diverse communities of London. 
As one of the most populous and diverse cities in the world, with 46% of its population from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, London’s global identity is unique. How can the city's public spaces, such as road signs, street names, statues, and commemorations, truly reflect London’s multicultural identity? 
In this PechaKucha, we bring together architects and consultants who are addressing these challenges by ensuring that the needs of all users are considered at every stage of design. Their work incorporates open spaces, pedestrian-friendly walkways, and cycling paths, enhancing safety and promoting healthy living. These designs aim to connect previously divided communities, fostering stronger bonds among residents. 
We will also hear from those working closely with local councils and communities to create initiatives that ensure the public realm represents the people who live there and fosters a deeper connection to local areas. By collaborating with local councils, charities, artists, campaigners, and residents, our speakers are placing people at the heart of their projects, ensuring that these spaces are both relevant and enduring. 

The format, Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ), was devised in Tokyo in 2003 by the English architect Mark Dytham and has turned into a massive global celebration of design, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat", it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. The format makes presentations concise, keeps things moving at a rapid pace and holds its audience. 


Guests arrive
Welcome from Chair 
Benjamin O’Connor, Director, NLA
Nighttime Active Travel Assessments
Barnaby Hill, Principal Transport Planner, Momentum Transport Consultancy 
Strand Aldwych
Ruchi Chakravarty, Director, Masterplanning and Urban Design, Benoy
Gender Inclusive Urban Design 
Marina Milosev, Director of Urban Strategies and Innovation, London Legacy Development Corporation
Public Realm Inclusivity Panel
Laurence Neal, Design Manager, Earls Court Development Company
25 Baker Street
Sophy Twohig, Director, Hopkins Architects 
Centre for Collaboration in Community Connectedness
Binki Taylor, Founding Partner, The Brixton Project 
Holborn Viaduct 
Sinéad McCarthy, Curatorial Director, Futurecity

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Speaker biographies

Benjamin O’Connor

Director, New London Architecture

Binki Taylor

Founding Partner, The Brixton Project

Barnaby Hill

Principal Transport Planner, Momentum Transport Consultancy

Ruchi Chakravarty

Director of Masterplanning and Urban Design, Benoy

Sophy Twohig

Director, Hopkins Architects

Sinéad McCarthy

Curatorial Director, Futurecity

Marina Milosev

Senior Planning Policy Officer, London Legacy Development Corporation

Laurence Neal

Design Lead, The Earls Court Development Company




The London Centre 
3 Aldermanbury 


There are 4 steps to the main entrance, with a level access entrance via the Guildhall West Wing approximately 200 feet away. There are toilets and accessible toilets via stairs or a lift to the lower ground floor. If you would like more information, or have any access requirements, please let us know what these are and how we can best accommodate these by emailing


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