Join us for our virtual 'On Location' event that will explore the progress made in the docks over the past few years.
With no way of bringing people together in person, we are bringing the Royal Docks to you in this virtual 'On Location' event, as part of our all digital programme. This is the second webinar of the afternoon and will look at the public realm initiatives, cultural placemaking and community engagement that is tying the whole story together.
Once London’s gateway to the world, today this vast area in the London Borough of Newham is one of the UK’s most important regeneration stories. A new chapter in the history of the Royal Docks is already underway, with total investment in the area likely to reach over £5 billion over the next 20 years.
The Royal Docks is evolving as a unique place and growing home for business and culture at the centre of the wider transformation of East London and the meeting point of two major areas of the capital identified for housing and growth: an Opportunity Area and London’s only Enterprise Zone.
With significant investment, the Royal Docks is re-emerging as a commercial and cultural hub of global significance. Central to the Enterprise Zone Delivery Plan is people and place. How can we seize the opportunity and energy of the recovery period to ensure the Royal Docks continues to be a focus for London?
Introduction from Chair
Benjamin O’Connor, Director, New London Architecture
The Role of Culture
Kate Anderson, Head of Cultural Programme and Partnerships, Royal Docks
Public Realm at the Royal Docks
Edward Mayes, Development Director (Silvertown), Lendlease
Bringing community together
Clive Lyttle, Artistic Director, Certain Blacks
Panel Discussion
Speakers above plus
Daniel Mulligan, Partner, Glenn Howells Architects
Sarah Atkinson, Community Relations Manager, Royal Docks
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