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How PDR impacts living standards

Thursday 24 March 2022

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Earlier this year the government issued changing measures that allowed new permitted development rights for adapting commercial spaces (Class E) to residential spaces (Class C3). In an attempt to regenerate the UK’s dwindling highstreets and curb the reverse doughnut effect our town centres are witnessing, with PDR coming into force, the implications were felt across the sector. With some welcoming the move and much needed action for the highstreets, others have appeared hesitant with the NLA’s own wellbeing expert panel questioning some of the lasting effects this may have on the make-up of our town spaces.
What is a strategy going forward in protecting wellbeing/ livelihood of town centres following the policy change? How can we be advocating for protection of public realm spaces following these changes in policy? What research and knowledge sharing is needed for the true effects commercial – residential schemes have on an overall towns wellbeing? what values will be lost and gained via PDR policy? What is the future for town centres?
In this webinar we hear from key experts debating the effects PDR will have on our future highstreets and they will provide insights to how the change in policy will impact wellbeing.
00:00    Welcome from Chair
             Federico Ortiz, Head of Research, New London Architecture 
02:20    What is left for London’s highstreets
              Katya Samokhvalova, Associate Planner, Nexus Planning 
17:30    Croydon’s Response
               Anisha Jogani, Placemaking Team Leader, London Borough of Croydon 
30:00    Healthy Homes Campaign
             Daniel Slade, Policy and Projects Manager, Town and Country Planning 
44:00    Panel discussion 
             Speakers above plus
             Angela Dapper, Principal, Grimshaw Architects 

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