New London Architecture

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Useful Simple Trust

Useful Simple Trust

The Useful Simple Trust is a family of professional design practices. Our 60+ talented and committed engineers, architects, designers and strategists work side-by-side creating purpose driven design for our changing environment.
The Trust’s four practices are Expedition Engineering (civil and structural engineers), Useful Projects (sustainability consultants), Useful Studio (architects) and Thomas.Matthews (communication designers). 
The Trust practices share space, ideas and experience, and regularly collaborate on a range of high-profile projects in the UK and internationally. This constant exchange of inter-disciplinary ideas informs and enriches all our work.  Through our naturally collaborative approach we engage our clients and users to deliver valuable and positively impactful outcomes. 
We are a social enterprise and employee-owned organisation in the final stages of B-corp certification.  Our people are highly motivated and committed because our values mean that our combined success is shared equitably. 
Our mission is BOLD.  Our goal is industry transformation on carbon reduction, climate adaptation, resource reduction and social value creation. 

Contributors    Sorted by recent

Useful Simple Trust

Contact Details

Useful Simple Trustee Limited
Hamilton House
1 Temple Avenue
London, EC4Y 0HA

Phone: +44(0)20 7307 8880

Projects    Sorted by recent

Olympic Delivery Authority Community Engagement

Olympic Delivery Authority Community Engagement


A public roadshow of information displays and interactive components allowed the public to feed in ideas and opinions on the legacy plans. It travelled by bicycle to reinforce sustainability focus.

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Bridgewater Triangle

Bridgewater Triangle


Masterplan scheme for Bridgewater Triangle to provide 575 new homes under the Olympic Legacy Communities programme, realising the LLDC’s vision for resilient, green, low-carbon and affordable homes.

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Olympic Park Entrance Markers

Olympic Park Entrance Markers


Ten 6m diameter bronze or stainless steel ring sculptures that hung around their marker trees to mark the entrances to the Olympic site.

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Stratford Cultural Placemaking

Stratford Cultural Placemaking


Public realm improvements to make the town centre more welcoming. The large, brightly coloured murals on the Broadway shopfronts are part of a wider strategy delivered over two years.

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London 2012 Olympic Velodrome

London 2012 Olympic Velodrome


A world class sports venue designed around sustainability and legacy use, pushing the boundaries of efficiency in every aspect of the design – including its structural and environmental performance.

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