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Asking the experts

Monday 03 October 2022

Ben Marston

Ben Marston

Jestico + Whiles

Mark Rowe

Mark Rowe

Principal London

Jo McCafferty

Jo McCafferty

Levitt Bernstein

Tom Alexander

Tom Alexander

Aukett Swanke

Jonathan Burroughs

Jonathan Burroughs

Creative Places

Ashley Bateson

Ashley Bateson

Hoare Lea

Jonny Popper

Jonny Popper

Chief Executive

Hazel Rounding

Hazel Rounding

Managing Director

James Mitchell

James Mitchell

Axiom Architects

Arita Morris

Arita Morris

Child Graddon Lewis

Bruce McVean

Bruce McVean

Assistant Director, Policy & Projects
City of London Corporation

Heath Harvey

Heath Harvey

Project Play Lead
Related Argent

Katrina Kostic Samen

Katrina Kostic Samen

Head of Workplace Strategy and Design
KKS Savills

Camilla Siggaard Andersen

Camilla Siggaard Andersen

Occasio Insights Ltd

With a new prime minister, mayor and London borough leaders, this autumn we are presented with a unique opportunity to rethink the kind of city we want to shape. Going into the third cycle since launching in 2020, NLA Expert Panels have been transformational in how we programme content, influence policy and instigate further discussion on key issues facing London’s built environment.
We’ve now got 15 panels, and after two years of responding to policy consultations, formulating industry surveys, visiting key areas of transformation and sharing invaluable intelligence, they are all working together to shape the New London Agenda: NLA’s multi-year project that will develop a joined-up vision for London to be presented to the next mayoral candidates.  
It’s not an easy task we’ve given them, and we still have over a year of work and fruitful conversations, but for now, we will be sharing a round-up written by each of our Expert Panel chairs, summarising strategic areas that they will take forward into the next cycle to lay out the foundations for the agenda — we can’t wait to continue working together towards a new vision for London.

Below we have a round-up written by our expert panel chairs, outlining what lies ahead for our panels, and we’re looking forward to seeing the products of these discussions advance over the next few months and joining them up with the others on our collective ambitions.

Ben Marston

Ben Marston

Jestico + Whiles

Mark Rowe

Mark Rowe

Principal London

Jo McCafferty

Jo McCafferty

Levitt Bernstein

Tom Alexander

Tom Alexander

Aukett Swanke

Jonathan Burroughs

Jonathan Burroughs

Creative Places

Ashley Bateson

Ashley Bateson

Hoare Lea

Jonny Popper

Jonny Popper

Chief Executive

Hazel Rounding

Hazel Rounding

Managing Director

James Mitchell

James Mitchell

Axiom Architects

Arita Morris

Arita Morris

Child Graddon Lewis

Bruce McVean

Bruce McVean

Assistant Director, Policy & Projects
City of London Corporation

Heath Harvey

Heath Harvey

Project Play Lead
Related Argent

Katrina Kostic Samen

Katrina Kostic Samen

Head of Workplace Strategy and Design
KKS Savills

Camilla Siggaard Andersen

Camilla Siggaard Andersen

Occasio Insights Ltd


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