The first round of the NLA’s Technical EP was held during the early stages of the Grenfell inquiry.
The conclusion of the second round of the Technical EP coincides with the last module of the Grenfell Inquiry. After two and a half years the final module ended with tragic testimonies from survivors, and evidence from forensics experts on the last moments of the 72 victims. The inquiry report and coroner's judgement will to some extent bring closure to this tragic event.
A tangible outcome of the disaster is the Building Safety Act (BSA) which came into force in June, signalling a fundamental reform in the industry. The HSE has recently raised concerns that 50% of designs at the first planning gateway of the new safety regime are not adequate. This has played out in planning committees questioning the safety of single-core residential buildings. Its clear that the industry still has some way to go to design for safety.
Coincidentally, the first major post-Grenfell external wall system judgment was also concluded recently (Martlett Homes vs. Mullaley). This judgement now forms material guidance on the court's approach to issues affecting cladding disputes – and fire safety generally.
Hence the Technical EP panel for this second round continued to explore building safety, competence and skills as core themes. The panel members are representative of the broad industry, so we were able to more meaningfully tackle questions surrounding materials specification, health & safety, buildability and regulations from specialists in these fields.
It was agreed that the BSA alone will not address the potential real-world challenges in implementing a new safety regime, let alone upgrades to the sustainable performance of buildings. Questions remain about qualified individuals to perform the new roles, access to insurance and how exactly should residents have meaningful involvement in building safety when the industry itself doesn’t seem geared up?
New London Agenda Policy Recommendations
- Building safety: there is new regulation coming in but is the profession up to speed? Experts around the table agreed that the industry needs a cultural change. This is new territory for both the government and the industry, and with uncertainty around upcoming policy (including over 30 new statutory instruments), how can professionals get on without unclear regulations? From roles and responsibilities to the golden thread of documentation, the panel asked for clarity and joined-up information that the industry can share among peers to progressing the building safety agenda even before regulations are in place. Going beyond the bottom line of standard regulations, the panel also shared good news of clients already demanding to go beyond minimum building regulations - a push driven by the insurance sector.
- Competence, skills and retrofit: this cultural change involves not just professional upskilling and competence improvement, but also a change in the behaviour of the construction industry and a better sharing of information to residents and building users. And what better place to start with this task that at architecture schools? Panellists agreed that education is key in driving the competence agenda if we want to achieve a cultural change. With the specific skills needed for the challenge, retrofit seems a good place to start with as it now has the political attention given the need to tackle carbon and energy pressures. Retrofitting the existing building stock can work as a vehicle for upskilling the sector.
- Digital transformation: finally, a cultural change goes hand in hand with a digital revolution. BIM has been discussed and implemented for years now, and the industry is driving the evolution of digital technologies. But a joined-up standardised use of tools and software is needed to be shared across the industry. And it's not just tools but also access to data and information that can guarantee the continuity of the golden thread. The panel highlighted that there still needs to be a public body which is responsible for securing this cross-industry digital transformation.