Over the course of the last year the meetings of the Transport and Infrastructure Expert Panel have provided the opportunity to discuss the big issues (and opportunities) that will impact on London’s streets and transport network in the coming years.
At its first meeting, the panel agreed to focus discussions on managing and responding to uncertainty and change; ensuring a fair, equitable and efficient use of street space; and approaches to planning, development and transport that reduce car dependency. The need for flexibility, clear vision and collaboration have been common themes at all three panel meetings and ones that apply to all the topics above, reflecting the interdependencies between the topics.
The second meeting heard presentations from Laura Putt, panel member and Street Analysis Manager at TfL on the most recent scenarios that have been developed to help TfL understand and plan for uncertainty; Josh Cottell, Research Manager at the Centre for London, highlighting how, if done right, micro-mobility will likely play a key role in supporting a shift towards more sustainable ways of travelling; and Camilla Siggaard Andersen, Urban Research Lead at Hassell and Chair of the Built Environment Technology Expert Panel on the need for a people centred approach to adopting and supporting new technologies; one that will help create a more democratic, pleasant, and sustainable city.
Between meetings, panel members have worked in sub-groups to identify specific actions and activities that support the delivery of the three main topics. The third and final meeting in this cycle discussed the outputs from the sub groups and subsequent recommendations to feed into the New London Agenda on:
- Reviewing metrics and frameworks to ensure they contribute to a collective vision and potentially bringing them together in a collaborative standard.
- Campaigning for a cultural change that builds on and takes inspiration from grassroots movements and to promote walking and cycling and fairer more equitable use of streets
- Collating case studies on meanwhile transport and public realm improvements and sharing lessons and best practice.
- Developing a community mobility hub project to support and enable mode shift.