New London Architecture

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Investigating Ways to Deliver Quality and Quantity in Housing 

Delivering high-quality, affordable housing remains a critical challenge for London. The NLA housing programme serves as a leading forum for debate and innovation in housing design, delivery, and construction. It promotes solutions that cater to diverse lifestyles — from student accommodation to later-living homes with flexible care, and from high-rise towers to small, complex sites and large regeneration masterplans.  

Bringing together voices from across the built environment to tackle key issues affecting people, place, and planet, we champion post-occupancy evaluations, intergenerational living, and deeper engagement with residents, youth, and communities.  

The programme explores how legislative frameworks can support housing delivery, while also addressing affordability, social value, and the role of community engagement in shaping successful housing developments. 



Making housing genuinely affordable


Making housing genuinely affordable

Listen back to this roundtable focussing on a UK-wide discussion on making housing genuinely affordable, exploring chall...

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Purpose Built Student Accommodation: demand and delivery


Purpose Built Student Accommodation: demand and delivery

With demand outstripping supply – what are the policy and project innovations that are coming forward to unlock these de...

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Housing Londoners: Innovation in Delivery and Design


Housing Londoners: Innovation in Delivery and Design

Housing Londoners demonstrates how the built environment has the agency to innovate and enact positive change on London’...

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