Dallas–Pierce–Quintero developed Culture Palace as a meanwhile response to Enfield’s community need during Covid-19. This colourful hub activates a vacant retail unit at Palace Gardens Shopping Centre, providing a performance space, museum, bookshop, café and activity areas. D-P-Q worked with Stephen Barrett Studio on an engaging graphic identity to complement Culture Palace’s design, inspired by Enfield’s heritage of grand houses and gardens.
Given budget and time limits, the innovative fit-out emphasises efficiency and flexibility. D-P-Q minimised shop modifications – focusing instead on improving services and developing well-designed, cost-effective furniture - while re-providing a retail offer to avoid change of use.
While the design supports each tenant’s needs, from storage to interactive displays, this low-tech approach means that they can also reconfigure the space themselves. By becoming a catalyst for collaboration, Culture Palace acts as a testbed for Enfield’s future cultural endeavours
Team credits
Client London Borough of Enfield
Architect Dallas–Pierce–Quintero
Graphic Designer Stephen Barrett Studio Contractor Crestel Projects
Furniture Fabricator Arcola
Fire Consultant William Martin Associates
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