New London Architecture

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Ajit Bansal

Head of Climate Emergency and Environmental Strategy Climate and Strategic Programmes

London Borough of Hounslow

Ajit Bansal
Ajit Bansal is the Head of Climate Emergency and Environmental Strategy for the London Borough of Hounslow. Ajit has over 15 years’ experience working in local government on a regional and national level leading on climate change, energy and carbon management, nature conservation, strategic aviation and air quality. In collaboration with the Parks and Green Infrastructure Service, Ajit worked on the development and adoption of the Hounslow Nature Recovery Action Plan.

Latest contributions

Technical Briefing: Biodiversity Net Gain


20 May 2024

Technical Briefing: Biodiversity Net Gain

This webinar explores the new Biodiversity Net Gain requirements, the guidance, challenges and opportunities for the built environment, as we hear from public and private sectors.

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Ajit Bansal