New London Architecture

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Dr Julia King

Policy Fellow

LSE Cities

Dr Julia King

Julia King is a Policy Fellow at LSE Cities. Trained as an architect her research, design practice and teaching focus on infrastructure and public space in the context of youth engagement, inequitable infrastructure developments and urban micro-culture.She is the founder and director of the ‘Apprenticeship Programme in City Design’ and ‘Researcher-in-Residence’ at LSE Cities. The scheme is a novel outreach model for investigating and designing urban spaces with local young people -a constituency normally excluded from planning and development processes and is structured as a series of short-term paid learning and working experiences that engage local young people–and notably young women –in public space research, planning and design processes.It aims to further develop a methodology for working with young people across higher education and the built environment; to foster and teach youth skills in the social sciences and architectural fields; and to collaboratively compile an evidence base on young persons / women’s experiences of and desires for the public realm.She also runs an undergraduate design studio at the Architectural Association having taught previously at LSE, UCL and UAL. She has won numerous awards for her work including Emerging Woman Architect of the Year, NLA Award, Civic Trust Regional Award and short-listed for a Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award. Her projects have been widely publicised, and she has authored chapters in ‘Home Economics’ and ‘Infrastructure Space’ and co-authored a chapter in ‘The SAGE Handbook of the 21st Century City’. 

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Dr Julia King