New London Architecture

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Emma Harvey-Smith

Non-Executive Director

Green Finance Institute

Emma Harvey-Smith
An experienced and passionate green finance specialist, Emma Harvey joined the Green Finance Institute in 2019 and leads a portfolio of coalitions and projects including the Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings, an industry-led collaboration with more than 150 individual members, focused on developing new financial products and solutions to help accelerate the decarbonisation of buildings. Emma previously worked across several areas within Barclays Bank including product development, portfolio management and corporate debt structuring. Throughout this period she championed the green finance agenda, supporting the bank’s first green bond issuance and pioneering the Barclays green home mortgage.

Latest contributions

Financing zero carbon

Net Zero

16 April 2021

Financing zero carbon

Emma Harvey is Programme Director of the Green Finance Institute. She tells Peter Murray about new financial products and solutions that can help accelerate the decarbonisation of buildings and how th...

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Webinar - Retrofitting London’s homes: case studies of green finance solutions

Net Zero

19 November 2020

Webinar - Retrofitting London’s homes: case studies of green finance solutions

This event was part of London Climate Action Week (LCAW) and brough together experts to present practical case studies showcasing financing solutions to retrofit residential stocks.

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Emma Harvey-Smith