New London Architecture

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Forth Bagley, AIA


Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF)

Forth Bagley, AIA
Forth is a leader in the design and management of impactful urban projects around the world. He has a particular interest in issues of density, the intersection of public and private space, and the intricate programmatic relationships within the contemporary city. An expert at assembling and leading large teams, Forth has delivered multiple city-defining projects, including Hudson Yards in New York, Hong Kong’s Landmark and Victoria Dockside districts, and the new Changi Airport Terminal 5 in Singapore. 
Forth is a frequent speaker for organizations and conferences such as CTBUH, MIPIM, and ULI, sharing his expertise and passion for architecture that enhances the vitality of the city.

Latest contributions

Cities Forum: North American Cities – Investment Models and Partnerships

City Dialogues

27 January 2025

Cities Forum: North American Cities – Investment Models and Partnerships

This roundtable discussion brought together London and Northern American cities to explore new investment models outside of traditional Central Activity Zones.

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Forth Bagley, AIA