New London Architecture

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Gianluca Rizzo

Place Management Specialist and Director

Brixton BID

Gianluca Rizzo
Gianluca Rizzo is a Place Management Specialist with over 10 years’ experience in the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) industry. Gianlucaholds a BA in Sociology and a MSc in Geography. He is a Fellow at the Institute of Place Management (IPM) as well as at the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). He is involved in a variety of organisations including The BID Foundation (TBF) as Founding Member, Cross River Partnership (CRP) as Board Member and the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) as a Member. Gianluca leads the Brixton BID which is the local Business Improvement District as well as Stratford Original BID in East London. Gianluca is passionate about places and firmly believes that ‘people make places’.

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Gianluca Rizzo