New London Architecture

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Graham Hurrell

Commercial Strategy Manager

Hydro Building Systems UK

Graham Hurrell
Graham has worked in the building façade industry since 1984, specialising in understanding the needs of building designers and users, and developing specifications for building façade elements to work effectively and optimise working and living conditions. Social housing, schools, mental health and residential towers are some of the segments that he has experience of. He has an interest in using sustainable materials within an effective façade and took a lead role in a launch of systems contain-ing recycled aluminium.

NLA Expert Panel member for the Net Zero programme #NLANetZero

Latest contributions

Sustainable materials – a pathway to zero carbon

Net Zero

28 May 2021

Sustainable materials – a pathway to zero carbon

What are the most sustainable materials that can be adopted in our buildings to lower carbon emissions? In this webinar we heard from built environment professionals that show best practice in the use...

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Graham Hurrell