New London Architecture

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Jenna Miller

Deputy Director, Urban Design & Policy

NYC Public Design Commission

Jenna Miller
Jenna is a transdisciplinary designer focused on advancing equity in the public realm, and as a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design and Construction, she has designed and managed a breadth of public and private design/build and architectural projects in the U.S. and abroad. Jenna is Co-Founder of New York City-based design firm RUEd’ ARCH, as well as Deputy Director of Urban Design & Policy at the NYC Public Design Commission (PDC), where she leads the Streetscapes for Wellness initiative and shapes public realm policy and design.
Recently, Jenna contributed to Streets Ahead: Five Routes to a Thriving City as an Urban Design Forum Fellow and Team Lead of the Care Working Group. Jenna holds a M.Arch from Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and a B.A. in Architecture and Environmental Studies from Wellesley College, and she previously served as a member of both the Wellesley College Board of Trustees and the Columbia University Senate, participating in committees that oversee institutional issues related to gender equity, architectural and campus planning.

Latest contributions

NYLON: Healthy Streets


NYLON: Healthy Streets

20 October 2022


Jenna Miller