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Vicky Pryce

Chief Economic Adviser

Centre for Economics and Business Research(CEBR)

Vicky Pryce
Vicky Pryce is currently Chief Economic Adviser and board member of the centre for Economics and Business Research(CEBR). She was previously Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting; Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS); and Joint Head of the UK Government Economics Service where she was responsible for evidence based policy and for encouraging measures that promoted greater productivity in the UK economy. Before that she was Partner and Chief Economist at KPMG after holding senior economist positions in banking and the oil sector. Vicky co-founded GoodCorporation, a company set up to promote corporate social responsibility. She is patron of ‘Pro-bono Economics’ and ‘Working Chance’ and has served as Master of one of the City of London’s Livery Companies. She has held a number of academic posts and is Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists, on the Council of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Companion of the British Academy of Management

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Vicky Pryce