New York and London will come together in November 2020, following the USA elections, to have a conversation about the future of our cities and of city-making as we start to comprehend the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event forms part of the discussion around
The Changing Face of London, which documents the past fifteen years of development in the UK’s capital, exploring the major sites of development and their impact. The research also looks ahead at the areas that are predicted to undergo huge transformation in the next fifteen years.
The live webinar will take place simultaneously in both cities at 09:00 in New York and 14:00 in London. This event forms a key part of the NLA City Dialogues programme, which brings together speakers and audiences to foster cross-city dialogue and learning between cities.
09:00 / 14:00 Welcome from London
Peter Murray, Curator-in-Chief, New London Architecture (Chair)
09:05 / 14:05 Welcome from New York
Benjamin Prosky, Executive Director, Centre for Architecture AIA NY
09:10 / 14:10 Welcome and reflections from New York
James von Klemperer, President, Kohn Pedersen Fox
09:20 / 14:20 Discussion – London and New York
With speakers above plus
Yolande Barnes, Chair, Bartlett Real Estate Institute
Giles French,External Affairs Director, Innovation & Growth, City of London Corporation
Kim Yao, AIA, 2020 President AIANY & Principal, Architecture Research Office
Howard Slatkin, Deputy Executive Director for Strategic Planning, NYC Department of City Planning
10:15 / 15:15 Q&A
10:30 / 15:30 Close
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Speaker biographies
Benjamin Prosky
Executive Director, AIA New York
Yolande Barnes
Chair, Bartlett Real Estate Institute
Giles French
External Affairs Director, Innovation & Growth, City of London Corporation
Kim Yao
AIA, 2020 President AIANY, Principal, Architecture Research Office
Peter Murray OBE
Co-Founder, NLA
Howard Slatkin
Deputy Executive Director, Strategic Planning, New York City Department of City Planning
James von Klemperer
President & Design Principal FAIA RIBA, Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF)