New London Architecture

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Highstreet Recovery: revitalising our town centres


Thursday 26 May 2022
15:00 - 16:00

How can we revitalise our town centres? In this talk we will explore specific projects and will consider how to utilise their successes.
Our town centres are coming to terms with the constant flux of issues and changes in our post-Covid city. From this time of turbulence, several schemes and projects have been developed strategically to revitalise our town centres and aid our highstreets in their recovery. 
We will hear from several projects that operate across a range of scales that are part of dynamic regeneration and retrofit schemes, from borough-wide to location-specific. Can our use of data to monitor the recovery of our highstreets provide vital insight and how has retail and hospitality’s financial climate also impacted their post-Covid revitalisation?
Can we learn from the successes of the suburbs and apply them in the City? An area still struggling with the aftermath of the pandemic. 
Join us for this in-person event as part of Clerkenwell Design Week 2022. 


14:30    Arrivals for registration
15:00   Welcome from Chair 
             First Sukpaiboon, Head of Programme, New London Architecture  
15:05   Edgware Town Centre
             Simon Ryan, Projects Director, Ballymore.
15:15   Retrofit Retail - 318 Oxford Street
             Rob Westcott, Director, Civic Engineers.
15:25   Real Time Highstreet Recovery
             Sophie Beagles, Principal Regeneration Officer, London Borough of Ealing.
15:35   Panel discussion
Speakers above, plus:
            Krista Fieldhouse, Partner, Gerald Eve.
            Jamie Webb, Head of EMEA Studio, Benoy.
16:00   End

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Speaker biographies

First Sukpaiboon

Head of Programme, NLA

Simon Ryan

Projects Director, Ballymore

Robert Westcott

Director, Civic Engineers

Sophie Beagles

Head of Regeneration, Investment and Jobs, London Borough of Ealing

Krista Fieldhouse

Partner, Gerald Eve

Jamie Webb

Head of EMEA, Benoy

Retail & Hospitality


Talk- in person
Clerkenwell Design Week
Spa Fields Park
 Skinner Street

Programme Champions

Axiom Architects
New West End Company


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