New London Architecture

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NLA Study Tour: Barking Industria


Thursday 22 February 2024
08:30 - 10:00

Join this NLA Study Tour to hear from Haworth Tompkins on the newly completed Industria in Barking. 
Located on a brownfield site zoned for industrial use in Barking and Dagenham, Industria is the UK’s first multi-storey light-industrial scheme and represents an innovative and ambitious approach to modern industrial design. Haworth Tompkins worked with Be First, the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham's regeneration company to deliver a building that densifies and diversifies the space in a move away from the traditional typology of single-storey, low density ‘sheds’.
Industria provides over 11,400 sqm of floor space, accommodating 47 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) spread over four levels, in spaces ranging from 20 to 450 sqm. The scheme was designed to accommodate a community of light industrial units and maker spaces within a modern, sustainable building capable of flexing and adapting to current needs, that once fully occupied could provide employment for up to 300 people.
The site sits in the heart of the River Road Employment Area, a Strategic Industrial Location (SIL) within the London Plan. This area is adjacent to the A13 and close to the new Barking Riverside station and pier and is home to many businesses that support the London economy.

Please note the capacity for this event is 30 and tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with a maximum of 2 per organisation.


Arrivals and registration
Welcome from NLA
Laura Bernard, Senior Programme Manager, NLA
Introduction and welcome from speakers
Hugo Braddick, Associate Director, Haworth Tompkins
Tour begins

Speaker biographies

Hugo Braddick

Associate Director, Haworth Tompkins

Laura Bernard

Senior Programme Manager, NLA

Industrial & Logistics



Long Reach Road
IG11 0JH

In Association With

Haworth Tompkins