New London Architecture

Technical Briefing: TM65 Embodied carbon in building services


Friday 29 November 2024
10:00 - 11:00

Following the release of CIBSE TM65 Embodied carbon of building services, join Introba as they address the importance of considering the whole life carbon of projects.
This CPD follows the release of CIBSE TM65 Embodied carbon of building services: a calculation methodology, as well as the subsequent research papers. The aim of this Technical Memordandum was to create a simple calculation methodology to calculate embodied carbon of MEP equipment when no Environmental Product Declarations are available. The TM65 methodology has been referenced in multiple policy documents in the UK and has been expanded to other international regions. 
This CPD will discuss the importance of considering the whole life carbon of projects. Although there will be a focus on building services, this building element can largely affect other building elements during a Life Cycle Assessment. This will cover benchmarks and generic data points for residential projects, commercial projects and data centres. Tips on how to implement this guidance further will also be shared.
* Please note we will be sharing attendee details with Introba following the event so that they can issue CPD certificates.


Welcome from NLA
Introba CPD Presentation
Yara Machnouk, Associate, Introba
Miguel Lopez, Senior Embodied Carbon Engineer, Introba

Audience Q&A

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Speaker biographies

Yara Machnouk

Associate, Introba UK

Miguel Lopez

Senior Embodied Carbon Engineer, Introba UK



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