David Taylor
For people who don't know, how would you describe your style? What kind of architecture do you produce? And, if it has, how has that changed over that period since your inception?
JJ Lorraine
One of the first decisions Julian and I made when it was two of us was that we would only work for serious organisations. And that hasn't always been the case (laughs)! Over the 15 years, there have been some clients and some projects, for which we hadn't realized the highest aspirations, but it's always been our intention to work with organizations who want to do things properly, who want to enjoy the process and who want to do good. Our first commission was from Land Securities. And we've set our course on only working for or trying to only seek out good people to work with and for. So in terms of how things have changed...I mean, we've always done retrofit. That's been our bread and butter…
David Taylor
Obviously, in the current market, that's very much at the forefront of most people's views, isn't it? So, you're in a good space, presumably right now?
JJ Lorraine
Yes, absolutely. I mean, personally, I'm really enjoying work, which hasn't always been the case. I had a really rough patch mentally, at the end of 2022.
David Taylor
Did you?
JJ Lorraine
Yeah, there was a lot going on with the practice. We were dealing with the hangover of the pandemic, and my mum died, which really hit me hard. So, you know, I had to take a bit of time off to recover, which Julian and the whole team were amazing with, actually. They were so supportive and just let me get myself together.
David Taylor
JJ Lorraine
So last year was the kind of recovery year, but I now feel much clearer in my purpose. It's about finding contentment in the everyday, rather than focusing on the future. So, whilst 15 years marks a milestone, and one might say, let's look to the next 15 years, I'm thinking about the next 15 minutes, or the next 15 days. Because whilst it's good to plan ahead, it can also be problematic if you think too far into the future and worry about all the issues and challenges that lie ahead.
David Taylor
We're coming up to time so perhaps my last question should be about this – we can't really talk about mental health and recovery from that, without speaking about your cycling history. I think I met you first on a bike, actually, training for my first cycle ride to MIPIM which must have been about 15 years ago, I suppose.
JJ Lorraine
Yeah, it probably was.
David Taylor
So firstly, how important has that been in your own mental health but also in the business health of the practice in that period? How much has cycling been a part of that?
JJ Lorraine
Well, as you said, David, we've had lots of good times on two wheels and hopefully there'll be many more of those. But, as a practice we have done events – we ran a series of rides to Paris called Velo Plus, which were a lot of fun. Lots of different people from different backgrounds came together to do something, some kind of shared goal, which was really bonding. I look back to the very first Club Peloton ride and some of those contacts that I met there I still see on a weekly basis. I'm good friends with them, we work together. And yes, cycling has become almost an inherent part of who I am. It's no longer for me a kind of choice, a voluntary choice; it's just part of what I do. And it's great for just getting some headspace. It's great for meeting people. It's great for seeing new places, and it feels like a really healthy part of my life, and indeed a healthy part of the practice. There's MIPIM, just around the corner, where I'll be and spending some time riding with other Club Peloton riders; we've got the BCO conference happening this year, and also UK REIIF, all of which are events that cycling could very easily and happily fit into. But I did want to just come back to your question about how the practice has evolved and how the practice has changed. I think one of the observations that I think any fair-minded person would make about our profession is how monocultural it is…
David Taylor
JJ Lorraine
And, typically, white, middle-class male professionals. I was approached by a practice that I know and respect – the director there, Andy Whiting from HUT, who, along with Charles Bettes at GPAD, founded an initiative called Build The Way, which is a nine-month traineeship. I'd like to tell you about this because I'm really excited by it, and it really appeals to my entrepreneurial itch to get something off the ground. So, it's a nine-month entry-level architecture traineeship that provides alternative routes into the profession. We're in our proper first year, and our mission is to attract talented people of all backgrounds into the world of architecture and placemaking.
David Taylor
And you've got Iman Yasin as your first trainee?
JJ Lorraine
Iman is our first trainee in the practice. There are four other trainees in the four practices – I didn't mention ShedKM but they are the fourth one. There are a number of things which I really love about this initiative beyond the fact that we are providing pathways into the profession for people who might otherwise not have them, such as that we get to collaborate on an initiative with other architectural practices. And that feels like the future – joining up with other organizations to collectively make a difference. And, this October, when we invite our second cohort of Build The Way trainees we will be looking for practices to join Build the Way and take trainees on for the nine month period so that invitation will be extended more broadly. But it's something that we're really excited by and have got buy-in from half a dozen central London local authorities who think this is a really good thing.
David Taylor
Brilliant. Well, thank you very much, JJ, for all of that. Congratulations on 15 years and I’m looking forward to the next 15. You'll still be on a bike in another 15 years, I'm pretty sure, right?
JJ Lorraine
Absolutely, David. Definitely on a bike and definitely in London, and definitely keeping it fun. Trying to keep what we do fun!
David Taylor
Great. Thanks, JJ. See you soon.
JJ Lorraine
Cheers, David. Take care. Bye.