DT: Well that's cheered me up immensely; maybe I was being a bit Monday morning about it! (laughs)
KW: (laughs)
DT: So: what are you working on now?
KW: We're working on a number of projects for private developers which are coming forward, which I'm pleased to say. They were looking a little shaky earlier in the year, but we've seen a number of our clients come back. We're working on several plans - I can't really talk in any real depth about this but they are in the cultural sector for future developments; all fairly early doors but people are thinking ahead.
KW: UK and abroad.
DT: Great.
KW: We should be restarting the Clare County Library in Ireland, which unfortunately had to stop because the contractor went into examinership. But anyway we are working on getting that restarted. The project had started on site and we’re working on getting it out of the ground during the course of this year and get that progressed; it’s a very important one for us. And private houses – we don't have any of those but another one of those is coming through for completion. And, surprisingly, last week I learned that we’d been shortlisted for an invited competition in Germany, which I thought was interesting as a sort of first post Brexit scheme in Europe…
DT: This is Detmold, is it?
KW: No, it’s not on the website. No, because when you get invited into these things you do it on the basis that you don’t talk to the press about them (laughs)
DT: Fair enough. I won’t press you!
KW: (laughs) We’ve traditionally worked a lot in Europe; not exclusively, but we’ve got a lot of European staff. It's been an extraordinary time, and we're really not sure how Europe wishes to react to a lot of the discussion shall we say, that's gone on in the last few years, some of it pretty heated, some of it pretty vitriolic. And obviously there's a different legal construct, so it remains to be seen as how this will all unfolds. So we're taking baby steps in that world, and the way we work will undoubtedly be different because of Brexit and because of Covid, so it will be interesting to see. We're all learning. The remarkable thing about this last year is how much we have kind of learned, adapted, twisted, jumped, and tried to remain light on our feet to respond to whatever has been thrown at us. Which, in truth for pretty much everybody on the planet is quite a lot!
DT: Yeah. Well congratulations on the 20 years! My last question is where is the party and when will it be?
KW: (laughs) Well! All I can say is that there will be one, but as to where and when, watch this space.
DT: Fantastic
KW: But fair to say David you will be invited! (laughs)
DT: Oh, good! I'll get out the house: excellent!
KW: (laughs) Very good to talk to you!
DT: And you! Thanks Keith! Thanks very much. Bye!
KW: Thanks for your time! Bye!