New London Architecture

Reimagine London competition winners announced

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Made for Me by Turley, Edge Urban Design, Matter Space Soul, You See Media and Mend is the Overall Winner of Reimagine London

Made for Me - a proposal for interconnected hubs for accessibility throughout London - is the Overall Winner of the Reimagine London competition, announced alongside People's Choice and Young Londoners prizes at The London Centre exhibition launch.

The winners were unveiled at the opening of our brand new exhibition showcasing the full 25 ideas that made the shortlist. Alongside Made for You as the Overall Winner, Youth-Led Empowerment Network - a proposal from 3 young people from Brixton with a vision that ‘Reimagines’ London’s unloved and forgotten spaces, bringing peace, safety and connection to neighbourhoods - scooped the Young Londoners Prize. 

After receiving more than 4,000 public votes across the shortlist, East London Waterworks Park - a community-led proposal to acquire a 14-acre concrete slab in Waltham Forest and transform it into a vibrant and biodiverse community park - came out on top as the People’s Choice Prize winner.

The exhibition at The London Centre will be in place throughout autumn. Our hope is that this prominent exhibition provides a source of inspiration to all that engage with it. Whether you have been working in the built environment for your whole career or you are just starting out, the ideas on display serve as a reminder to us all that London needs big thinkers and big ideas to help us shape the city that we all deserve.

Much of the best architecture and urban design is based on visionary thinking. But blue-sky, no holds-barred, ‘what-if’ ideas rarely enjoy the oxygen of publicity, and even less often make it into reality.

We asked for ideas which have the power to inspire change. We wanted ideas that creatively reimagine the experience of the city, either by tackling a real issue London is currently facing or by imagining an ambitious new concept. 

Submissions were judged on originality, demonstration of creativity and relevance to the New London Agenda’s “Six Pillars of Placemaking”.

We received over 100 ideas, with more than half submitted by individuals or groups under 35 years old. These ideas addressed real issues London currently faces, with a strong focus on environmental sustainability and reclaiming streets for pedestrians.

A £10,000 prize fund was awarded to the best new ideas for London. The public voted for their favourite shortlisted idea, with a People’s Choice prize awarded. A star-studded jury selected the remaining prizes, including a Young Londoners Prize for ideas developed by or with under-25s.

The winners

Overall Winner

Submitted by Turley, Edge Urban Design, Matter Space Soul, You See Media and Mend

‘Made for Me’ is a proposal for interconnected hubs for accessibility, retrofitted into pre-existing spaces, transport interchanges throughout London. Hubs allow you to hire mobility and sensory aids, they provide accessible toilets, seating, quiet rooms, lockers and information to support people in their daily lives and their journeys across the city. 

Young Londoners Prize

Youth-Led Empowerment Network
Supported by We Rise Brixton and PRD
A proposal from 3 young people from Brixton with a vision for a Youth-led Empowerment Network that ‘Reimagines’ London’s unloved and forgotten spaces, bringing peace, safety and connection to neighbourhoods. Spaces like community and housing estate halls, parks, streets - public spaces at the heart of communities.

People's Choice Prize

East London Waterworks Park
Submitted by East London Waterworks Park
A community-led proposal to acquire a 14-acre concrete slab in Waltham Forest and transform it into a vibrant and biodiverse community park. There will be wild swimming, a forest school space, studios for artists to experiment and collaborate, and a mosaic of dry and wetland habitats for wildlife to thrive and for people to enjoy. 

Supported by


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