New London Architecture

What role can the workspace play in creating a sense of community?

Tuesday 28 May 2024

We want your opinion.

London has been described as facing a ‘loneliness epidemic’ with the capital's population more likely to be affected than any other part of the UK. Growing rates of loneliness are having an immediate impact on our happiness and mental health and a potentially longer-term impact on life expectancy given its link to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

The loneliness challenge facing London raises an important question around the role of commercial real estate in helping to address the problem. Over the next few months Future Places Studio, in partnership with HB Reavis UK, will be undertaking a piece of research which seeks to explore this in more detail with a specific focus on how connected we feel to community through the places where we work. 

Future Places Studio and HB Reavis UK would love to get your opinion on this topic and have launched a survey which seeks to explore how connected we feel to community in the places where we work.

To participate in the survey please follow this link 

The final research will be launched in summer 2024 by HB Reavis UK so follow their LinkedIn to stay tuned.

Complete the survey here.

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