New London Architecture

Dalston streets and spaces


Improvements to Ridley Road, its street market and nearby Ashwin Street, with funding from the GLA's Good Growth Fund and work carried out by Hackney Council after community engagement.

Improvements to Ridley Road, its famous street market and nearby Ashwin Street followed an extensive Hackney Council engagement and codesign process with traders, the local community and architect Studio Weave. With funding from the GLA’s Good Growth Fund, the project will act as a catalyst for future town centre improvements in Dalston. The project forms part of the Dalston Plan SPD and will ensure Ridley Road market continues to serve its community and remains an integral part of Dalston.

This project is featured alongside our Public London: Activating the City insight study. The publication, exhibition and online project directory explore what constitutes a successful and democratic public realm today, the role of co‑creation and partnerships, and how we can ensure that places are fit‑for‑purpose in the long term.

Project information





Estimated completion

March 2023


96 Ridley Rd, London E8 2NR, UK

Team Credits


Studio Weave


Marlborough Highways


Ridley Road Market Traders Association


Ridley Road market visitors

Last updated on


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