New London Architecture

Oxford North


Oxford North is a new place for Oxford, a sustainable innovation district which will transform the area and support the UK's knowledge economy with new workspaces, homes, hotels, shops, and parks.

Knowledge Networks: London and the Ox-Cam Arc

Knowledge Networks: London and the Ox-Cam Arc

Oxford North will be a new place for Oxford. Masterplanned by Fletcher Priest for Thomas White Oxford, it will be a globally significant, sustainable innovation district which will enable the UK knowledge economy to thrive.

 The project will provide 1 million sq ft of workspace and research facilities for up to 4,500 people from start-ups such as science and high-tech university spinouts to large organisations.

 Significant cycle, footpath, bus and road improvements, an energy loop and thousands of new trees will enhance the area, along with 480 new homes for circa 1,500 people, hotels, shops, and cultural and green spaces.

 ‘Oxford North will be a vibrant new community including homes, day and nightlife, culture, entrepreneurs, scientists, venture capitalists, finance and big corporations, all needing to create business growth through collaboration and staff and residents’ well-being. It is designed by a world-class team to provide a place that has urban energy and is sustainable. We remain in positive discussions with Oxford City Council to agree the necessary legal agreement and planning conditions that will allow the formal grant of planning permission. Oxford North will be a sustainable new place for Oxford for future generations.’
William Donger, Director, Thomas White Oxford 

Project information




* N/A Outside of London


92930 sq m




A44, Oxford OX2, UK

Team Credits


Fletcher Priest Architects

Project Manager

Gardiner & Theobald

Planning Consultant


Landscape Architect


Transport Consultant




Cost Consultant

Gardiner & Theobald

M&E / Sustainability Engineer

Hoare Lea

Ecology Consultant

BSG Ecology

Listed by

Thomas White Oxxford

Last updated on


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