New London Architecture

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Peel Place

Planning Granted

A key development in the South Kilburn masterplan, Peel Place delivers 308 homes (40% affordable), a new health centre, retail, gym & creative hub, all surrounding a new public square

A key part of the South Kilburn masterplan in Brent, Peel Place delivers a mix of 308 new homes, health centre, retail, gym and creative hub, all surrounding a new public square. Peel is a transformational scheme that creates a new urban character, setting a precedent for design quality in future phases of South Kilburn’s regeneration.

The design is the redevelopment of a council-owned site, with each block orientated to draw people towards a new market square and inspire a sense of community.

Peel Place is central to the regeneration of South Kilburn and the creation of a Civic Heart for the community. Regeneration is a much-used term but this scheme represents a genuine step of change for the neighbourhood due to the provision of mixed-tenure housing, alongside a new health centre, affordable workspace, cafe and public space.

The entire scheme is designed around the concept of health and wellbeing; a theme visible via the architecture, choice of complementary uses and management strategy. This ensures Peel Place is a catalyst for physical and social regeneration. The project further raises the ecological and biodiversity credentials of the site.

This project is featured alongside our Public London: Activating the City insight study. The publication, exhibition and online project directory explore what constitutes a successful and democratic public realm today, the role of co‑creation and partnerships, and how we can ensure that places are fit‑for‑purpose in the long term.
A key development as part of the South Kilburn masterplan in Brent, Peel Place delivers a mix of 308 homes, (40 per cent affordable), new health centre, retail, gym & creative hub, all surrounding a new public square. Peel is a transformational scheme that will create a new urban character and set a precedent for design quality in future phases of South Kilburn’s regeneration, which aims to deliver 2400 new homes in 15 years. A significant addition to the community will be the public realm, which is planted with 81 new trees and includes a market square with public art by local groups.
Resilient London: confronting climate change

Resilient London: confronting climate change

A key development as part of the South Kilburn masterplan in Brent, Peel Place delivers a mix of 308 homes (41 per cent affordable) and community infrastructure, all surrounding a new public square. The design incorporates the redevelopment of a council-owned site, with each block specifically orientated to draw people towards a new market square and inspire a sense of community. The entire scheme is fundamentally designed around the concept of health and wellbeing and further raises the ecological and biodiversity credentials of the site.


Project information


Planning Granted




30799 sq m

Estimated completion

June 2020


Mile Walk, London NW6 5HH, UK

Team Credits


Child Graddon Lewis


Brent Council & Countryside Properties

Planning Consultant




Structural Engineer

Price & Myers

Transport Consultant

Markides Associates

M&E / Sustainability Engineer


Listed by

Child Graddon Lewis

Last updated on
