New London Architecture

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Ravensbury (Phases 2-4)

Planning Granted

Ravensbury is one of three estates that Clarion are regenerating within the Merton Regeneration Project, located alongside the Wandle the masterplan reconnects the estate to its parkland setting.

The regeneration of this 4.5 hectare estate, built in the 1940s-50s, includes the retention of existing homes, new tree-lined streets, a swale, community rose garden, plus 201 new homes providing an increased 59% affordable housing across 4 phases. Achieves the zero carbon standard with an offset payment. Residents have been extensively engaged throughout the design process and their needs have been mapped to provide a wider mix of homes will end overcrowding, plus the provision of older persons’ flats.

Zero Carbon London

Zero Carbon London

→ Zero carbon homes, 59% affordable housing
→ 40.97% reduction of total cumulative regulated CO2 emissions over baseline
→ 1,373 sqm rooftop PV panels to all homes
→ New street trees and biodiverse planting throughout the masterplan
→ 9.25% of regulated CO2 emissions savings from renewable energy

The regeneration of this 4.5 hectare estate, built in the 1940s-50s, includes the retention of existing homes, new tree-lined streets, a swale, community rose garden, plus 201 new homes providing an increased 59 per cent affordable housing across four phases. The scheme achieves the zero carbon standard with an offset payment. Residents have been extensively engaged throughout the design process and their needs have been mapped to provide a wider mix of homes will end overcrowding, plus the provision of older persons’ flats.

Project information


Planning Granted




16600 sq m




Dover House, 141 Morden Rd, Mitcham CR4 4DG, UK

Team Credits


HTA Design LLP


Clarion Housing Group

Landscape Architect

HTA Design LLP

Sustainability Consultant

HTA Design LLP

Planning Consultant


M&E / Sustainability Engineer

Mendick Waring

Structural Engineer

Tully De'Ath

Listed by

HTA Design LLP

Last updated on
