New London Architecture

Carbon Counts

Thursday 05 December 2024

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Watch back as we explore a new, standardised approach for defining and assessing net zero carbon buildings in the UK.

What does net zero carbon mean for buildings in the UK? How can we measure and assess building performance, and demonstrate best practices? Until now, various methodologies have led to different definitions of net zero carbon.
In September 2024, the Pilot Version of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard (The Standard) was launched. For the first time, leading organisations and experts in the built environment have collaborated to present a free-to-access technical standard. This new set of consistent rules will make it easier to define and certify net zero carbon buildings in the UK, ensuring they meet national carbon reduction targets.
The webinar explores critical aspects of building design and performance. Industry experts discuss the latest strategies, tools, and methodologies for measuring and assessing carbon impacts throughout a building’s lifecycle.

Net Zero



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