New London Architecture

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Adrian Vickery Hill

Project Initiator and Project Coordinator / Strategic Designer

Cities of Making / Osmos Network

Adrian Vickery Hill
Adrian is a designer and planner with a particular interest in the future of production in cities. He has managed and been involved in a wide range of research projects, amongst these funded through the JPI, FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe and ESPON. Adrian co-founded the Osmos Network, an NGO that supports local and regional authorities across Europe to design and develop transition strategies to address complex place-based challenges. 

Adrian has previously worked on a range of sectors such as mobility, agriculture, eco-systems management, renewable energy, urban design and resource management. He was born in Canada, raised in Australia and Latin America and is based in Brussels.

Latest contributions

Productive city


Productive city

05 July 2022


Adrian Vickery Hill