New London Architecture

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Dr Craig Robertson

Head of Sustainability

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Dr Craig Robertson
Dr Craig Robertson is Head of Sustainability at AHMM architects. He is an architect, researcher and teacher with expertise in environmental design and engineering. He completed his PhD at the UCL Energy Institute focusing on the potential for energy consumption information to inform and justify strategic and detailed building design decisions. At AHMM, Craig leads the sustainability agenda through the building performance team, supporting design teams with performance analysis, environmental input, post occupancy evaluation and research. He teaches and lectures in sustainable design, sits on the RIBA’s Sustainable Futures group, is a member of LB of Haringey’s quality review panel and is currently leading a Knowledge Transfer Partnership research project with UCL’s Bartlett School of Energy and Environmental and Resources into the implications of Net Zero Carbon on high density, mixed use urban developments.

NLA Expert Panellist for Net Zero Alumni 2021

Latest contributions

Five minutes with... Dr Craig Robertson, AHMM

02 August 2022

Five minutes with... Dr Craig Robertson, AHMM

David Taylor chats to AHMM head of sustainability Dr Craig Robertson about the ‘lessons in carbon’ the practice has been working on with UCL, and delivering net zero on commercially-driven projects.

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NLA responds to the Future Buildings Standards consultation

Net Zero

20 April 2021

NLA responds to the Future Buildings Standards consultation

The NLA Expert Panel on Net Zero have submitted a response to the government consultation ‘Future Buildings Standards’ on behalf of New London Architecture (NLA) and NLA joins several other built envi...

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Dr Craig Robertson