New London Architecture

Kate Falconer-Hall 

Partner (Townscape and Heritage Team)

Montagu Evans

Kate Falconer-Hall 
Kate is a planner with expertise in the historic built environment. Her professional career is based in London and in regional towns where she specialises in supporting clients with their property portfolios in redevelopment, management and rationalisation where this may affect sensitive urban environments.
Kate brings particular expertise on sites where design, historic environment and townscape sensitivities influence development outcomes and where these sometimes conflicting considerations require specialist negotiation to deliver the brief.
Kate works across a number of sectors and has a broad range of both public and private clients. She has established herself as a trusted heritage adviser to a number of public and charitable estates including Kings College London, Zoological Society London, Canterbury Christ Church University, Leicester University, Southampton University and The British Museum. Kate also works for private developers and government departments often in joint ventures on regeneration and town centre schemes in London, applying her experience in tall building justifications and visualisation assessments.

Kate Falconer-Hall 

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