New London Architecture

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Lizzie Webster


Fraher and Findlay Architects

Lizzie Webster
Lizzie is the co -founder of Fraher & Findlay, leading the team with all the studio's design work. Over 15+ years of working on sensitive buildings means that each project is addressed with a combination of care for the building as well as creativity.

'I love connecting with Clients and digging into the detail of finding ways in which design can help solve problems and create dynamic spaces. A building's history is something that drives much of my design work'.

Lizzie really believes that we all deserve better spaces and works hard to design amazing spaces that respond to people, the environment and their historical context.

Latest contributions

Housing retrofit - best practice for low carbon design

Conservation & Heritage

11 August 2021

Housing retrofit - best practice for low carbon design

This webinar presents approaches to retrofitting period residential properties with low carbon solutions, analysing challenges and best practice.

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Lizzie Webster