New London Architecture

Housing retrofit – best practice for low carbon solutions


Tuesday 10 August 2021
10:00 - 11:00

This webinar presents approaches to retrofitting period residential properties with low carbon solutions, analysing challenges and best practice.
The UK has one of the oldest housing stocks in Europe. It is a huge challenge for the sector to upgrade and retrofit these buildings while meeting the zero carbon targets.
Statistics have noted that homes produce 13 per cent of all UK’s carbon emissions, while buildings account to a third of the country’s CO2 emissions. To achieve ambitious climate targets the sector needs to reuse and upgrade our current building stock at a scale and pace never seen before.
What are the current challenges to retrofit period properties? What are the techniques to carry out low carbon interventions and make residential properties energy efficient? 
In this webinar we will hear key experts presenting sustainable solutions for retrofitting the home.

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10:00   Welcome from Chair 
            Benjamin O’Connor, Director, New London Architecture 
10:05   ‘“Greening” Historic homes could save up to 84% in carbon emissions’ report
            Dougie Phillips, Senior Environmental Analyst, Historic England
10:20   Retrofitting Victorian Homes
            Marion Baeli, Partner, PDP London 
10:30   Segal House
            Lizzie Webster, Director, Fraher and Findlay Architects
10:40   Panel discussion
            Speakers above, plus:
            Andrew Creamer, Director of Operation, Grosvenor
            Theo Manzaroli, Partner, Purcell
11:00   End 

Speaker biographies

Benjamin O'Connor

Director, NLA

Marion Baeli

Partner, Studio PDP

Douglas Phillips

Senior Environmental Analyst, Historic England

Theo Manzaroli

Partner, Purcell

Lizzie Webster

Director, Fraher and Findlay Architects

Andrew Creamer

Business Development Director, Grosvenor Property UK

Conservation & Heritage



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